FAE Magazine - Faeries and Enchantment
Subscribe Website 24 Sep 2016 Sign up Facebook Twitter
Wanna be in the winter issue of FAE?

Hello lovely readers and advertisers! It’s all go, go, go at FAE HQ as we work towards our winter edition of the magazine, which (even if we do say so ourselves) is looking pretty spectacular already!

Send us your Fairy Cats!

Frixie Feline with Pumpkin by Jennifer Stedman

With the popularity of our READERS GALLERY page in the last issue of FAE, we are running another one – this time it will feature your Fairy Cats! We prefer you would not dress up real cats. Please email art to info@faemagazine.com

Advertise with FAE!

We have a few advertising spaces available if you would like to join us on our glossy pages!


We know that many of you are small businesses, crafters and artists, and we’d like to give you the opportunity to appear on the pages of FAE – So we have come-up with some super special discounts. Have a look at the rates below and contact us at adverts@faemagazine.com if you would like to book a space…

Till the next time..
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