It’s spring here in the UK! And for the FIRST TIME EVER we feature a man (or rather an Elf) on the cover of FAE! Some of you might recognize him as as our Elven friend, Ian Hencher, and he is joined by the gorgeous Natalie Phillips. Photographed by Sian Robertson.

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We welcome Wendy Froud with her new regular column! It’s very exciting for us to hear from the house faeries in the Froud’s home.

We also welcome Christa Thompson, aka the Fairytale Traveler!

This edition also features a ‘Mermaid special’ with amazing underwater images of mermaids by photographers Chris Crumley and Robert Minnick, plus you’ll see the moment when a faery and a mermaid meet!

We also look at the cheeky world of Faery Burlesque with Emmannuelle Claire as the ‘Powder Puff Fairy’.

We visit Lala Land in Springtime and the delightful felt creations of Lalabug Designs.

You’ll see some very colourful folk modelling Avalon Elf Coats with stunning views of Glastonbury Tor in the background, photographed by Gordon C Burns. Artist and musician, Julie Carter shares news of her latest album Mirrorland, and Hannah Titania interviews her famous mother, ‘Fiona of the Seals’!

Felicity Fyr Le Fay shows us how to protect ourselves using unicorn magic! Yoga Faerie, Natty Lotus Flowers shows us another position to try. Doreen Virtue shares another insight, from her Magical Mermaids & Dolphins Oracle Cards, and Solaris Faery Astrology shares her predictions for the months ahead. We also return to the ancient Isles with Bryony Whistlecraft, and Gary & Ruth Colcombe write about the old ones and the gentry…We hope you enjoy this jam-packed edition of FAE!

For the first time in four years we have put up the price of FAE by 25p ($1 US/CAN)
The good news is…we are freezing the subscription cost at the 2013 prices!
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