We hope you are staying enchanted and being creative during the lock-down. This time we share how to make your own magical faerie perfume! From the sold-out issue 10. This edition is available as a PDF digital download if you wish to read it. See all PDF editions HERE. Look out for more sold out editions coming soon in PDF format!
Issue 10
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From issue 10
The Faery folk love gifts! One of the simplest of presents you can give them is perfume this is best done in the form of infusion oil. This simple method of perfume making can be used to fragrance the body, bath or sprinkled about the home to entice the Faery folk. It can also be used in an oil burner as an offering or used to scent sachets left out for the Fae
1.Gather together some strong smelling flowers and resins, Rose, Lavender and Amber. You’ll need about a handful of each.
2. Grind them down with a pestle and mortar or place them in a paper bag and roll them with a rolling pin.
3. Wet the flowers and resins with a little vodka, brandy or whisky to bring out their scent.
4. Warm some oil (about 2 tbs) in a ladle and add the moistened ingredients.
5. Close the mix up in an air tight jar and leave it there for seven days. After this time strain off the fluid and repeat the process with the left over herbs.
6. Bottle and label if you wish, and enjoy! Or leave as an offering for your fairy friends!
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Fairy by Dawn Frogson
The Cottingley fairies have literally taken over this forthcoming edition of FAE! Many of you have been asking how to pre-order, so keep a look out for our newsletters and social media posts for details. As the world is slowly opening it’s fairy doors again we’ll soon be able to ship world-wide, and we really appreciate your patience during these unusual times. We can see a little light at the end of the tunnel though, and the fairies reassure us that all will be well again! In fact, they say all is well now! It’s just a matter of pixie perspective! They remind us to count our blessings daily and be grateful for the things we already have in our lives.